
Supporting Student Executive Functioning Skills with HyperDocs

Written and Presented by Kelly Hilton - @kellyihilton, co-creator #HyperDocs / co-author of The HyperDoc Handbook Since transitioning to remote learning, parents, teachers, administrators, and all educational personnel have been required to collaborate on creating virtual classrooms and environments for students to learn from home. For students who need support in executive functioning skills, there are a few things that we can do to help make the transition to a virtua...


How to Create a HyperDoc

How to Create HyperDocs Webinar from Classroom 2.0- click HERE for links to resources Here is a quick, step-by-step guide to creating your very own HyperDocs... Step #1: Determine Objectives Grade Level? Content Area(s)? Length of Lesson? Specific Objectives? Desired outcome (explore, apply, assess)? Step #2: Determine Cycle of Learning What specific steps will students follow? Explore. Explain. Apply. Workshop Model 5 E's Model...


HyperDocs On Air

View The HyperDoc Hangout ON AIR Playlist of all episodes HERE. Want to be a featured guest and share your HyperDoc story? Let us know! Episode #12 Kevin Feramisco @theteachingjedi Follower of Christ, husband, father, 8th ELA T, GCE Lvl 2, Apple Teacher, Star Wars nut, #Hyperdocs maker, Tech Geek. Stay Gold! #gvusdshares#goldenvalleyway Kevin's website: Kevin's Padlet: FEAT...


Host a HyerpDocs Learning Experience at you School!

Host a Workshop at Your School Full Day: HyperDoc Workshop: Create and Customize Digital Lessons for Your Classroom Half Day: Engage Me! How to Create HyperDocs for Student-Centered Classrooms...


HyperDocs Templates for Getting Started

These templates were designed to ease teachers into the HyperDoc creation process, and provide a starting point. There are five templates, representing different lesson design models. We love to see how unique each HyperDoc becomes from the template. To create your own, make a copy of the template and customize it! TEMPLATE: Basic HyperDoc Lesson SAMPLE: Creative Writing Challenge TEMPLATE: Explore, Explain, Apply ...


Samples of HyperDocs for Every Subject

Time to go shopping for HyperDocs! Look closely at design elements, different packaging options, engagement strategies, and more. Imagine the potential and possibility of digital lesson design with HyperDocs! Click on the image below to access HyperDocs in each content area. ...


Building Agency in our Students Online

Why agency and why now? Now more than ever our students need to have agency in their learning and in their lives in and out of their academic lives. Agency enhances our students' sense of control, which is a pivotal part of building resilience and ultimately healthy coping strategies for when things change around them. One way to see how agency fits into the bigger picture of our students well being is this amazing sketchnote by teacher, learner and sketchnoter, Lauren G. Her Instagram is...


The HyperDocs Girls

When our schools adopted Google Apps for Education and equipped our classrooms with technology, we began asking: How can we truly utilize these tools to transform the student learning experience? It was then that we coined the term HyperDoc to define our digital lessons and started creating. Teaching with HyperDocs got us really excited about personalizing our lesson plans and instructional delivery. We were feeling alive! Our students were engaged and excited. We knew we were on to something s...


What is a HyperDoc?

As classroom teachers, we hear constantly about 21st-century learning - we want students to be creative, collaborative, critical thinkers, and communicators. Then we ask them to sit quietly, while we explain everything, and tell them exactly how it’s to be done. It doesn’t have to be that way. Students are curious by nature, we just need to provide opportunities for them to be curious. They are amazing problem solvers when given the opportunity to create rather than consume informati...


Critical Engagement with Material When Designing a HyperDoc

There is more to lesson planning than learning objectives and assessment. There is more to HyperDoc digital lesson design than choosing the right tools, colors, images, and packaging. A designer carefully crafts a lesson for the students in their class, but specific design decisions can have an impact on whether or not the lesson delivery addresses bias. During the delivery of a lesson, students have conversations. But what do they say? During the delivery of a lesson, students communicate th...