Prepositions With Time - At -In - On - Off2Class ESL Lesson Plan Make a Copy

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vocabulary ESL Prepositions time lesson plan All Grades English English


What is a preposition?

A preposition is a word that connects a noun phrase with another part of a sentence; it is usually said or written before a noun. A preposition can indicate several types of relationships but for this blog post, I will talk about place and time.

Teaching Prepositions with Time – at, on, in

This introductory lesson plan, part of a six-part series, introduces the three most common prepositions of time: at, on, and in. For this lesson, students must already be comfortable using beginner vocabulary like days of the week, months, and time expressions. This lesson plan begins with an explanation of these at, on, and in. Then, students will complete various exercises to put these prepositions to use. It also outlines other fixed prepositions such as at the moment, at night, and many more. Lastly, the lesson covers how prepositions are used differently in the UK versus the US.

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